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We used 4 key methods to test our game with users and stakeholders: Lab based testing, card sorting, user surveys and stakeholder interviews.


Given the young age of our target group (12-18) it was important to make the user testing sessions, fun , interesting and engaging.


how it works

We invited groups of users to sit in our dedicated 'research room'. Here, we gave the users the game to play and observed their reactions (via camera and notes).


The goal of this type of research is to gain an insight into qualitative aspects of our users' interaction. We looked for moments of frustration, confusion and enjoyment. 


At the end of the playing session, the users were then able to take part in card sorting and user surveys.



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how it works

Card sorting is a research method used to trigger memories and help users to make groupings when testing an app or game.


The research involves giving printed cards to the participants and asking them to identify those cards which are most memorable. Each card contains a word or picture associated with the app or game.​


For our participants, we printed a number of pictures from the game and asked the participants to tell us which cards  they associated most with playing our game. ​






Surveys are a common way to gather quantitative data about a game or app.


We asked our participants to complete a simple survey which asked them a few simple questions about Tales of Neto. Including "What was your favourite mini game?" and "How would you rate the game out of 5?"


Our participants gave their survey answers by using stickers, and marking them in the appropriate places on the survey. The goal was to create a fun and engaging survey.




Through the process of creating Tales of Neto, we worked closely with a wide range of organisations who were also engaged in the fight against corruption in Armenia.​


We wanted to find out what they thought about our game - so we met with key representatives from civil society and conducted recorded interviews.


At the end of the playing session, the participants gave a short recorded interview.



We collated the results into a number of simple, but key infographics that â€‹help us to understand what our target group thought of the game.


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